One of the goals of this website is to include a bit of historical
information, advertisement or reference with each camera. The idea is to
build a more complete picture of each item by studying the wide spectrum
of model variants and accessories that are not listed in recent collecting
books. However information about 19th century cameras and their use is
limited and often hard to find. We have found that the best information
sources come from the original manufacturer's catalogues and
advertisements -- making the collector or historian somewhat of a
photo-archeologist. And like an archeologist, surprises and the
unexpected abound.
Over the years, we have learned that many makers -- such as The
American Optical Company as one example -- offered "made to order"
variations. One example is the Henry Clay Camera made with aluminum
mountings (instead of heavier brass). This variation was advertised for
$38 in 1896, and until August 2001, no example was known to exist in any
collection. Finding such an example or any special order camera is a rare
privilege, but without references describing these obscure variations, they
would likely remain unknown to the collecting community.
Advertising copy can convey a manufacturer's desired position in the
market or special virtues of a particular camera. The Bullard Folding
Magazine Camera was advertised having a tag line "Its Better Than Yours"
while additional text noted "The magazine works with the speed and
accuracy of a repeating rifle." Trying it out, I discovered that my Bullard
jammed quite frequently leading me to wonder about the quality of those
19th century repeating rifles.
Manufacturer's advertisements and references can also help date an
important camera or new model release, which can have a bearing on its
historic significance. One of the more interesting and elusive folding plate
cameras, The Henry Clay Camera, was originally thought to have been
introduced in 1892 because the earliest reference was an 1892 Scovill &
Adams Photographic Annual. Yet knowing that annuals must have
engravings and ad copy ready for publication and distribution, the camera
would need to have been available the previous year to make the
deadline. Working under this assumption, later research uncovered a
photographic jobber's catalogue complete with an illustration of the
camera dated June 15, 1891. Confirming 1891 as the introduction date
positions The Henry Clay Camera as a historically interesting item. We now
consider it as one of the first self-casing, folding-bellows cameras that
helped make dry plate photography appealing to the masses -- an
important transition in the acceptance of gelatin based emulsions that
continues today.
As the industry moves forward into a new era of digital images, the roots
of photography can still be traced in its early cameras, advertising, and
references. The advertisements and references appearing on this website
are scans from the originals. They are fascinating looks into a past where
graphical layout, grammar, and the "sales pitch," are much different than
what we see today.
References and Advertisements
Copyright ©1998 - 2017 by Rob Niederman - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED